Prodevelop iTerminals 4.0

The iTerminals 4.0 project, promoted by Prodevelop, receives an award at the Waterborne Awards 2023

iTerminals 4.0 drives the digitalisation of port operations and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in the container handling sector. iTERMINALS4.0, an R + D + I project promoted by Prodevelop, has received the award in the Innovation category of the Waterborne Days, an interactive conference co-organized with the support of the European Commission that…


I2PANEMA’s IoT software solution optimises efficiency and sustainability in ports

Ports around the world face numerous challenges, from managing increased cargo demand to ensuring efficiency and sustainability in the face of urbanisation and labour management issues. The ITEA project I2PANEMA, comprising 17 partners from Germany, Spain and Türkiye, including Prodevelop, S.L. has integrated IoT solutions and new services for data handling in ports to enhance…

Port Community System FTR AWS

Prodevelop’s Port Community System gets awarded an AWS FTR certification

Only a few months after receiving the AWS FTR certification for Posidonia Terminal 4.0, Prodevelop has been awarded with the certificate for another of its solutions. Posidonia PCS, our Port Community System is proven to accomplish the high-quality security, reliability and operational standards set by Amazon.   This new award certifies Prodevelop´s commitment to its…

Prodevelop at the IPIC 2023 woth the iTerminals project

Prodevelop at IPIC 2023 with the iTerminals Project

The Physical Internet Initiative aims at transforming the way physical objects are moved, stored, realized, supplied, and used, pursuing global logistics efficiency and sustainability.   The International Physical Internet Conference (i.e., IPIC) aims to provide an open forum for researchers, industry representatives, government officials and citizens to together explore, discuss, introduce leading edge concepts, methodologies,…