In recent years, investment in Software as a Service (SaaS) has grown exponentially and according to the latest Gartner report, it is expected to increase by more than 15% in 2023.
More and more companies are jumping on the SaaS bandwagon and it is not surprising, since this model has many advantages compared to the classic on-premise one.
Obviously, it is not a panacea, it does not solve all problems, but it is undoubtedly here to stay. Just in case you are thinking of migrating any of your services to this modality, we will briefly tell you about the advantages of SaaS.
Quick and Agile Deployment
As they are ready-to-use corporate solutions that have been well tested and validated in a multitude of different configurations, you can forget about long deployment and start-up times.
Likewise, it does not require having an additional infrastructure or worrying about the traditional information management processes, having complex tools for monitoring resources or performance of the architecture components.
Consequently, deployment and start-up times are drastically reduced, and by not requiring new physical infrastructure, start-up operating costs are also reduced.
Customer Service Support
The customer service will solve all your doubts and any problem that may have arisen.
In addition, you benefit from continuous monitoring and diagnostics by the provider, which ensures smooth operation and fast problem resolution. In short: it is like outsourcing the management of processes that take you away from the focus of what really matters to your business, which allows you to dedicate all your resources to what really matters (to you or to your clients/users).
Safe and Legal Environment
You benefit from all the certifications, good practices and security measures implemented by the provider. In our case, we have the ENS Medium Security Certificate, the ISO 20000 and 27001, as well as guarantee compliance with the GDPR.
Being a unique infrastructure, it is designed to have maximum reliability in terms of high availability, backups, scalability, compatibility, updates, monitoring and operation.
Constantly Updated
Enjoy all the functional updates that are carried out without having to pay for it and they are carried out without affecting operations or requiring cuts in the service, so the impact on your day-to-day is minimal.
Avant-garde Image
In general, you have value-added services at your disposal ready to use without the need to tackle complex technological developments from scratch. To cite just some of the most representative modules that the main cloud system providers usually offer: Machine Learning, AI algorithms, blockchain, etc.
In summary, working with SaaS allows you to forget about all the “hassles” that come with the traditional on-premise system and allows you to focus on your business, so you can offer better products and services to your customers.
So if after reading all these advantages, you still have any questions, write us and our team will contact you to resolve any enquiries you may have.