Port autonome de kribi

Interviewing Michaël Mama from the Autonomous Port of Kribi

Interviewing Michaël Mama from the Autonomous Port of Kribi The Autonomous Port of Kribi (PAK) manages Kribi Port with cutting-edge facilities, accommodating large vessels in West and Central Africa. Its modern resources ensure efficient operations, with private operators maintaining service excellence. PAK, adhering to national regulations, guarantees top-tier service for ships and cargo. It’s set…

prodevelop TOC europa 2024

Prodevelop comes back to TOC Europe 2024

We are thrilled to announce our return to one of the biggest events in the terminal sector. This year’s edition will be filled with innovation, insights, and exciting surprises! With over 4000 attendees representing more than 110 countries in greater networking and growing business partnerships, TOC Europe 2024 promises to be worth your while. From…